It's the holiday season!

So woop dee do and dickory dock!

FINALLY the Mulch Boy and I have completely recovered our health, after losing all of November to colds and bronchitis and Mucinex and decongestants and steroids and inhalers. Despite being in rotten condition, we did manage to drive over the river and through the woods to New England for Thanksgiving with Mulch Mom and Brother Jeep and his family.  We were perhaps the most boring houseguests ever, spending almost the entire time lounging on sofas and taking drugs and eating, but WE had a great time.  Alas for the garden, though: all that lovely November weather, when you normally get to put in your last bulbs, plant your new shrubs or move them around, etc. etc., was wasted on the two sickies.  And now the ground is nice and frozen, so whatever will be will be, as Doris Day says.

Luckily, we have moved past our grief and sniffles and are embracing the Christmas season.  I love my yard and am proud as I can be of the lovely garden we've built.  But come this time of year, I am thrilled to drape my azaleas with big colored lights and populate it with my two light-up plastic snowmen.  I have a friend who finds these kinds of decorations "tacky" (you know who you are!), but I fail to see it myself.  Look, I agree that the all-white lights are lovely and elegant, and I honestly have nothing against them.  I, however, am still drawn to the types of decorations that appeal to a six-year-old.  This is probably appropriate when you consider that I can pretty much recite from heart the entire dialogue from "A Charlie Brown Christmas," "How the Grinch Stole Christmas," and "It's a Wonderful Life."  Who exactly are we putting up these lights for, anyway--the adults or the little people? 

Now we are about to embark on another trek, this time to brother Trebor and his family, and then to see my mommy (the Potato Queen Mother) and daddy (Daddy).  To that end, we've been scrambling like maniacs to get all the gifties bought and wrapped, everything packed, routes mapped, all so we can get in the car and then... sit in DC traffic, attempting to get out of town.  Cross your fingers for us that we don't get stuck in shnow.

I'm going to close this disjointed little entry and wish everyone a wonderful holiday season, whatever holiday you celebrate, even if it's none at all. See you next year!


  1. Love "It's A Wonderful Life." Probably my favorite movie, any time of year. I always tear up at the end.


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