What a week

You know how sometimes your week starts with terrorists bombing your husband's home town? And then unrelated to that, your husband ends up in the ER at 2am and is in the hospital for three days (he's fine now, thank goodness) while in the meantime all his family up north are on lockdown because of the previously mentioned terrorist-at-large roaming the Boston metropolitan area? And then you get on a plane for a visit to your parents, which is great, and they catch the terrorist while you're flying, and you have a wonderful time, but when you finally get home Sunday night, you're just whipped?

Yeah, me too.

To make up for my absence, here is a picture of a beagle covered in poop.

"I was pushed!"


  1. Oh no! What an incredibly long and exhausting week. I hope you have a great weekend full of rest and playing in the dirt! Cute puppy, even if he is covered in poop, just have him drop it off at the nearest compost pile. :)

  2. Thanks, Kerry! That was our Charlie before he was our Charlie, the picture the rescue group had of him online (along with his littermate brothers, whom Charlie claims pushed him into the poop).

    Mulch and I are hoping to spend as much time "on vacation in the backyard" this weekend: sunning, reading, grilling, eating, drinking, resting.

  3. Ugh! Hooray for weeks that are over! I'm glad your husband is okay. How stressful. I think you need a vacation to help you recover. :o)

  4. YES PLEASE. Alas, not likely to happen.


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