
Monday we had temps in the mid 60s and sun, so I finally got to begin my weeding of The Disaster That Is My Yard. AND for once, I remembered to take "before" pictures, so that I can better brag about my "after." So in the interest of full disclosure (and public self-shaming), here are pictures of my front yard as of Monday.

The little blue house has seen better days.

Oh...  dear.

In fairness to myself, this bed WAS completely under water
this summer when the creek flooded and turned our street
into a raging river.

Hey, the crocuses are alive!

Why is it the street-side areas are the ugliest?

Who knows what lurks in the flower bed? The Shadow knows...
Technically this is my neighbor's yard, but since I made the
bed for them (it was bare dirt before), I take full responsibility
for it. The good news is the black-eyed Susans are
spreading underneath there and will hopefully become
a permanent natural mulch.

This... could be worse.

We bought this mulch from a neighborhood
Boy Scout. Last March.

These plastic pots? Sitting here for two years. Yes, those
are Christmas lights.

Well, that doesn't look so bad.


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