Monday we had temps in the mid 60s and sun, so I finally got to begin my weeding of The Disaster That Is My Yard. AND for once, I remembered to take "before" pictures, so that I can better brag about my "after." So in the interest of full disclosure (and public self-shaming), here are pictures of my front yard as of Monday.
The little blue house has seen better days. |
Oh... dear. |
In fairness to myself, this bed WAS completely under water
this summer when the creek flooded and turned our street
into a raging river. |
Hey, the crocuses are alive! |
Why is it the street-side areas are the ugliest? |
Who knows what lurks in the flower bed? The Shadow knows... |
Technically this is my neighbor's yard, but since I made the
bed for them (it was bare dirt before), I take full responsibility
for it. The good news is the black-eyed Susans are
spreading underneath there and will hopefully become
a permanent natural mulch. |
This... could be worse. |
We bought this mulch from a neighborhood
Boy Scout. Last March. |
These plastic pots? Sitting here for two years. Yes, those
are Christmas lights. |
Well, that doesn't look so bad. |
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