Miami hates us but at least The Avengers is awesome!

I just realized that I've still not posted a picture of The Completed Dry Creek Bed, post-planting, post-mulch. I'll try to remedy that in the next few days. Since the last posting, however, we've not been working in the yard, mostly due to The Disappointing Vacation in Miami Beach When It Rained Almost the Entire Time Except That One Day, and then rain back here at home (none of it in the basement, for a change).

The last weekend in April was to be our vacation this year: three days and four nights in South Beach. And the first day was glorious: we spent the entire day on the beach on our rented beach chairs, with our umbrella, alternately sunning ourselves or reading in the shade, taking a break every so often to play in the ocean, where the water was, in the words of another vacationer clearly from Boston, "like bathwatah."

Then the next day it started to rain, and it just kept on raining until we flew out on Monday. We came home feeling cranky and cheated. Oh sure, we had wonderful ceviche and mojitos, and we got our picture taken with that 7-foot-tall drag queen. But what about our relaxing beach vacation? What exactly did we ever do to you, Miami? We gave you all that money, what more did you want from us? You owe us, Miami!

Our consolation prize was the next weekend's premiere of The Avengers. And let me just say this: go see The Avengers a lot. If you even remotely have an interest in superheroes or comics or Joss Whedon or action or one-liners or girls beating up boys or giant green rage monsters or compelling evil masterminds or... Oh just go see it! And stay till the very end of the credits for my favorite Easter egg ever.

Beyond that, we've been doing a lot of lying around and reading, trying to make up for the lying around and reading we didn't get to do on the beach in Miami. Unfortunately, that has led to my back getting weak and achy from inactivity. I need to get back in the yard and work or back to the gym and work out the kinks. I'm hoping to weed today after work, but that won't happen if it rains as predicted.

On the other hand, I don't think I've read an accurate weather forecast in the last month, so maybe I still have a chance. The weeds are certainly ready to oblige: since The Reclamation, they've been sneaking back into the front yard beds, and there are quite a lot of big ol' intruders who need to be dealt with. Here's hoping I get lucky.


  1. Your creek bed is working - fantastic! Can't wait to see the pictures.


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