Things I Learned This Summer

Poison ivy is very bad.

It hurts quite a lot. There are blisters. Do everything you can to avoid getting it. Expect to look as though you've been in a knife fight for weeks.

There is a direct correlation between the number of times your various loved ones end up in the hospital and the number and height of weeds in your yard.

Can we all just think about the flowers and the vegetables, just this once?

If you don't plant cucumbers, you get no cucumbers.

This should be obvious, and yet somehow I was surprised.

One day at the beach is not enough.

Again, file under "Obvious."

If you completely neglect the garden all summer, you will still end up with potatoes.

(Assuming you planted them, which we did.)

The Sudafed they sell on the shelf is nothing compared to the old-school version you have to sign for at the pharmacy counter.

It's worth getting put on the meth-cookers' watch list if you have bad respiratory issues and are trying to avoid bronchitis like me.

There's always next summer.


  1. What a rough summer. :( Did you have poison ivy or the hubs? I think that much misery should involve a free vacation somewhere amazing and devoid of poison ivy.

    1. 'Twas my first encounter with poison ivy. I guess I'm lucky because it didn't itch, but man it hurt! And yes, I want my free vacation. It doesn't even have to be anywhere amazing, just... away. Alas, we just have to hope for next year.

  2. I have missed seeing your posts lately. I hope things improve.

    If you want to start a collection of lessons learned this summer I'll make a contribution:

    Six dogs in the house for four days is too many dogs and too many days. (Even for devoted rescue fosters.)

    1. Six dogs! During shedding season? Oh my.

    2. Shedding was not bad, most had recently gotten haircuts, they were new to the rescue and were transitioning out of the vets where they were taken after in-take. The issue was that two of them didn't get along with the others and we had to take shift putting them in crates to keep them seperated. Pictures are at


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