More Garden Journal Update Than Anyone Really Wants but TOO BAD!

Well, what a productive weekend! I still have some ornamentals to get in the ground, but I'm calling the veggie gahden DONE. Click on any picture to embiggen.

Front raised bed: now with strawberries, marigolds, geraniums, bell peppers, one tomato (Mortgage Lifter), and a "Pacific Rim" reenactment.
The asparagus lives!
It's only MOSTLY dead!
Slightly still alive!
Eggplant seedlings.  Feels a little like cheating but WHATEVER.
More cheating: purchased jalapeno plants.
Wax beans and green beans.
Buttahcrisp lettuce.
Leeks. When do these stop looking like hair?
Cheater tomato: Brandywine.
More cheater tomatoes: Hillbilly and Belgian Giant.
The other potatoes!
Tomatoes that may or may not have germinated, hence...
... cheater tomato: Mr. Stripey.
Cayenne and jalapeno pepper fail.
Mesclun and arugula on the porch.
Oregano, tarragon, basil, rosemary, and chives finally rescued from their original pots.
Cheater cherry tomatoes.
The whole gahden.
The mojito garden (i.e., mint).
Last year's roses and hydrangeas survived after all!
This guy.
Wow! This was unexpected.
If I recall, this is just a Knockout rose,  but my old one in Virginia didn't have such layered flowers.
No buds but we're still proud of you!
Not getting tired of this.
This is, I think, a wild rose that just shows up under The Big Pine Tree.
Waiting for it to bloom, considering relocating it somewhere sunnier and more visible.
It got big fast.
Wild rose in context.
After a hard day's work...
... it's time for some lollygagging...
... and mojitos.


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