I am a rhododendron.
So first, a quick check on the backyard. One trip to
Gibney's later, and we've got a vegetable garden going!
Bed 1: The weakest peas at top (last year's seeds), Bibb lettuce, wax
bean seeds planted, a few tiny volunteer tomatoes, and one cuke. |
Bed 2: Peas, eggplant seedlings, one cucumber seedling
under a cage, last year's leeks (left alone in case they
do something interesting), one cucumber seedling,
and secret green bean seeds planted as mulch. |
Bed 3: Peas, bell pepper seedlings, two tomato seedlings
in cages, and secret green bean seeds planted as mulch. |
Bed 4: Asparagus ferning out and garlic galore. |
New garden hose! The old monster that came with the
house split open when I turned on the tap, so I replaced
it with this new "professional grade" one that, frankly,
is wonderful. The first hose I've ever owned that didn't leak...
somewhere. |
Muriel still enjoying her new digs, although the beagle is STILL
finding his way in spite of all obstacles. |
This is a terrible picture, just to document that the abelia I planted
last year is mostly dead but SLIGHTLY STILL ALIVE. |
Meanwhile, the mojito garden is planted again. |
So enough about the backyard! What's new in the front yard?
Oh. Rocks. |
Well, YES, rocks. AGAIN. Perhaps you will recall my digging out the new border trenches for the front beds. It looked a little... like this.
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