Garden Journal: New Beds, New Borders, New Anti-Pup Fence

So in my last post, I posted "before" pictures of, well, everything, along with goals for different areas of the yahd and gahden. And behold, we've actually got a LOT done already! Because my brain is weak from all this social distancing and covid-19 stress, I'll let the pictures do the talking. (Click on pics to embiggen.)

March 8

We did the reconfiguration of the raised beds! Bed 4 on the right
is no more, and beds 2 and 3 skooched over to make wider paths,
now paved with pretty rocks.

Same beds, different angle.

Now here is the area for the NEW bed (Bed 4 v.2).

Unnecessary beagle picture.

Our contractor AHAHAHAHAHA!

Bed 4 v.1, before the update.

Garden helpers worked hard.

March 14

Bed 4 v.2!

All the beds, ready for spring.

Did you notice the new dog fence? No dogs allowed!

Daisy, feeling snubbed by the new fence.

But wait, there's more! We got going on the re-do of the
flower bed edging, starting with The Worst Corner.

Who's looking fancy now? We literally dug out
the old edging trenches, which were gravel on
dirt, sifted the gravel out of the dirt, lined the
trenches with landscape fabric, refilled them
almost all the way with the sifted gravel, then
top-dressed with the purty stone.
Why yes, it WAS tedious.

Another view. OH, also, the dirt we sifted out of
the gravel? Dark and rich and wormy, and went
immediately to fill Bed 4 v.2.

Waiting its turn.

Also waiting its turn.


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