Welcome to 2025!
Hi! I am the Potato Queen; welcome to my ancient blog! (Does anyone say "blog" anymore? Probably not.) FYI, this little site is not monetized in any way, and I am just a rando who named herself Potato Queen 15 years ago and started blogging about her attempts to grow things outside, and hoping like-minded folks would find me and we could all share our experiences.
It's one month short of five years since I last wrote anything here.
I just spent some time looking at that last post and... wow. I had forgotten how much we did in the yard that first pandemic year, how many of our big transformations were made or begun such a short while ago. For example, the raised beds in our expanded, dog-fenced-in vegetable garden feel like such old news, as though they have been there forever.
And last year, i actually looked around our property and realized: I have a mature garden. If I wanted, I could just leave it be to do its thing (aside from weeding and a little mulch). This has never happened before and, honestly, was a little shocking.
Of course, as any (fanatical) gardener knows, the garden is never truly finished. And this year, I have two new goals:
- Incorporate more native plants into the landscape to encourage pollinators.
- Begin to treat the vegetable garden not as a casual hobby but as a serious producer of veg that we will eat fresh and also preserve for off-season use.
- (Dammit three! Three new goals!) Begin experimenting with hydroponics in order to maximize garden yield and (hopefully) grow fresh produce year round.
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