The Way We Were

I was recently very upfront about what a disaster our yard and gardens are. Then I proceeded to claim I would get right on that weeding, and that of course turned out to be a lie. Then Mulch was gone for a weekend and I did all kinds of house projects and never stepped outside.

But this past Sunday, I finally got to work. But in the interest of full disclosure, I'm going to first post pictures from Spring, just to prove that I really did have things under control and even have a plan for the summer. Also, it will make the FAIL pictures to come just that much more...  I don't think impressive is the right word, but you get the idea.

How lovely!

Front bed.

Azaleas. Required by law in the Washington Metropolitan area.

Charming, right?

The little rose that could. Mulch was sure this guy wouldn't survive in the
(admittedly crappy) spot I put  him in.

Beautiful peonies. Came with the house.

Climbing rose in the back. Planted it three years ago;
this is the first time it's really bloomed. Most beautiful
frangrance you can imagine.

So purty.
Spring was filled with such promise.

Peppers, where are you now?


  1. Very pretty! Would you believe I don't have an azalea? Every day I wonder if I'll get a citation for non-compliance of the unwritten rules.

  2. I can't believe you haven't been audited and forced to plant some. Maybe I should make a citizen's arrest!


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