Garden Journal 2019: Saturday and Sunday, April 13-14


Went to garden center with my fren and bought herbs for Muriel and a bunch of sedums and creeping thymes for the hell strip and the stone circle corner garden. And a pink heather for Mulch Boy. And a vulture named Lester.

Planted all the sedums and thymes, and got several compliments from passersby.


Muriel's herb garden: planted! Also, small fence erected around Muriel's herb garden because dogs are jerks.

Weeded the big driveway bed. Added some stepping stones to the big driveway bed. Inserted Lester Guardian of the Blackberries in the big driveway bed between the blackberry canes my garden club fren gave me last week. Impulsively started to dig up the big uneven, half-buried cobblestones that seemed to border the big driveway bed with the intention of replacing them higher and more evenly. Discovered that each stone was significantly larger than I realized. I'm only about half done (I was summoned inside before I overdid it) but am already very happen with the results.

ALSO I feel compelled to shill for this tool that I bought (with much skepticism from Mulch Boy) after an episode of "This Old House" recommended it: a 6-foot iron digging bar. It's taller than me, weighs a ton, and makes levering those big ol' rocks out o the ground a piece of cake.

Pictures to follow.


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