
Since I had a few actual visitors to this blog recently, I was inspired to look back at all my entries since we moved up here to Massachusetts. My initial reason was to find out if I'd ever explained where Muriel the Naked Lady comes from (surprisingly, no) (she conveyed with the house when we bought it) (one of our movers offered us $100 for her, but we had become attached to her by then, so we turned down the offer).

Muriel the Naked Lady

But then I found myself surprised at how much I'd actually documented about our garden since we moved here--and very surprised to recall how much we'e actually accomplished. Especially in the last year, we have really transformed the front and the back and made them our own. In 2018, we had our first vegetable garden in five years, and this year we are fully one month ahead of where we were last year. That's exciting! We also transformed this mess into an actual attractive, usable bed, where I just transplanted six blackberry canes generously donated by a new friend in the North Shore Garden Club.

In short, I had no idea how much we'd accomplished in the last four years. I unfortunately often focus only on what is wrong, what I haven't done, what I'm not pleased with. I need to remedy that. I'm pretty sure that's what Muriel would advise.


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