And now back to gardening!
Yes, last weekend was very much a grouting mess, but there was also yard work, thank goodness. Weekend before last, Mulch Boy and I got out and weeded and dug up our vegetable garden patches in preparation for planning. Bonanza! In the big garden, we harvested a big pile of carrots and parsnips that overwintered there, plus a handful of potatoes from the small patch. We roasted a bunch Saturday night and they were so so good. Just makes me more anxious to get this season’s planting underway.
Alas, however, nature is messing around with us. This past Saturday, I spent several hours weeding and bagging and tying up bundles of sticks and yard waste. Then Sunday, we woke up to snow on the ground. Snow? At the end of March? In the DC metro area?!! Hmph. There went my plans to start sowing seeds outdoors. The rest of this week is ‘sposed to be cold, too, highs in the 40s. Well, I’m at least going to get my beets and kale and collards in the ground. Dang it.
My consolation: I have my little indoor growing station. Mulch Boy got me my little grow light set for Christmas, and Mulch Mom sent me all kinds of seeds and starter kits for my birthday. I’ve got mesclun, cabbage, five kinds of peppers, tomatoes, lavender, and probably some other things I’ve forgotten, sitting under the hopeful light, hopefully preparing to pop out their first little leaves. The mesclun actually germinated in 3 days(!), making everything else appear dead. But I’m starting to see several other varieties poke through the soil, so hopefully everyone will catch up to the lettuce soon.
Alas, however, nature is messing around with us. This past Saturday, I spent several hours weeding and bagging and tying up bundles of sticks and yard waste. Then Sunday, we woke up to snow on the ground. Snow? At the end of March? In the DC metro area?!! Hmph. There went my plans to start sowing seeds outdoors. The rest of this week is ‘sposed to be cold, too, highs in the 40s. Well, I’m at least going to get my beets and kale and collards in the ground. Dang it.
My consolation: I have my little indoor growing station. Mulch Boy got me my little grow light set for Christmas, and Mulch Mom sent me all kinds of seeds and starter kits for my birthday. I’ve got mesclun, cabbage, five kinds of peppers, tomatoes, lavender, and probably some other things I’ve forgotten, sitting under the hopeful light, hopefully preparing to pop out their first little leaves. The mesclun actually germinated in 3 days(!), making everything else appear dead. But I’m starting to see several other varieties poke through the soil, so hopefully everyone will catch up to the lettuce soon.
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