Black-eyed Susans, I thought we had an understanding

Like Captain America, I don't want to kill anybody. I just don't like bullies. And it turns out that black-eyed Susans are the biggest bully on the block. You may recall that this spring, I cleaned out The Big Bed in front and all was tidy and nice.

Three months later, it looked like this.
Are you kidding, black-eyed Susans?

And so last week, I was back on a killing rampage, two hours a day for three days after work, just me and Weedy. Behold the carnage. 


I filled four giant garden bags full of black-eyed Susans, and still left two little patches alive. Whether that is a dreadful mistake, only time will tell. Meantime, I'm looking for some perennials to fill in the new gaps (and hopefully help prevent another black-eyed Susan takeover in the future. Any suggestions?


  1. I planted these from seed 2 years ago. This spring, half of my garden bed had a green fuzzy carpet of black-eyed susan seedlings. I let the mature plants grow and bloom, and troweled the seedlings under before they got ...well.. like yours did.


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