It works!

Friday evening in the DC metro area, there were severe thunderstorms (and even threats of tornadoes). I got home from work before it started, but shortly the skies opened and poured down upon us. It was a very big rain. The kind of rain that causes the creek across the street to overflow and literally turn our entire street into a raging river.

The kind of rain that floods our basement.

But not this time!

For anyone out there who read about our adventures building the dry creek bed and thought, "Poor misguided souls, they're digging that big trench and moving that 5.5 tons of rock by hand for nothing, the amateurs,"* may I present The Dry Creek Bed, dry no more. I can't believe it really worked! (Video to come if I can figure out how to imbed a video into a post. Anyone know how to imbed a video into a post?)

*Count me and Mulch Boy among the skeptical.


  1. I love it when a plan works! Good going, PQ.

    1. Thanks, Cherry! We're still stunned at our success and keep rewatching the video.


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