My First Garden Blogger's Bloom Day

It's my first Garden Blogger's Bloom Day! My blooms may not be too impressive, but I'm still happy to have them.

Black-eyed Susans

See that tall thing on the right? What is that thing? I kinda like it.

Geranium on its last legs. After 4 years in the front yard, it finally
took off this year and made me proud.

Thanks for the second bloom, sedum.


  1. Your sedum bloomed TWICE? Or are those last year's dried flowers on the ground?

  2. YES, this was a second bloom this summer. I don't understand it either, but who am I to question why?

  3. aloha,

    this is my first time on your blog, congrats on your first bloom day post, i love what you have presented to us this september

  4. Welcome to Bloom Day! Your garden sure looks like it's off to a good start. I think the tall thing might be a Verbascum.

  5. @Noel: Thanks! I realized later I forgot to take any pictures in the backyard--of my butterfly bush and its butterflies, or my indomitable pink Knockout rose. Phooey!

    @QBC: Verbascum! Now, should I be happy about that or should I be yanking it out before it takes over?

  6. You have every right to be proud of those black-eyed Susans--they're lovely! Welcome to GBBD; I hope you'll join us every month. And by the way, my pile of weeds usually looks as big or bigger than yours:)

  7. congrats on the geranium
    I gave one that looks very similar to my in-laws for planting near their front stoop. Now I wish I could sneak back and steal it for one of my perennial gardens...particularly the one that is dominated by brown stalks and a dead hop vine :)

    -and a belated congrats on your garden rant post!


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