
Showing posts from 2011

Charlie did NOT eat a dead chipmunk!

Welcome to the Jungle

Thanks a lot, Midwest...

The Way We Were

How Quickly Are Promises Broken

July? JULY??!

Springtime in Washington

A Day Late

Belated Cherry Blossom Hilarity

Janice at the Garden Center

Bloom Day!

Me? Stylish? Wow!

I planted potatoes!

This Spring's Casualties

Mulch Madness!

And now back to gardening!

My new curse word is “grout.”

THAT'S what that thing is!

Arlo and Janis in the Garden

I hate grout and so should you

Spring Comes to Washington

Five, six, pick up sticks

Home Improvements and Big Plans

Gardening Show Spoof

Duct tape: it's not just for rearview mirrors anymore!

Thanks, Greensparrow Gardens!

Progressive lenses: the funhouse you wear on your face!

Bone Structure